Chi-Hi Cardinals Host Annual Vets Night, Start GoFundMe Campaign for Homeless Vets
September 16, 2016 | The Hands Foundation
The Chi-Hi Cardinals, led by Head Coach Chuck Raykovich are hosting their 4th Annual "Stuff the Trailer" event to benefit the Homeless Veterans tonight at their home game against rival Superior at Chippewa Falls High School.
The Vets Night started by Chuck Raykovich as a way that he and his team could give back to our Veterans has turned into an annual event and has grown each year, culminating last year with a trailer full of items and a $1600 dollar donation to the Homeless Veterans Project gathered from the crowd who attended the game.
The Homeless Veterans Project, started by The Hands Foundation along with Help-A-Vet in Minneapolis, MN seeks to supply items to help the Homeless Veterans throughout the country. A majority of their work has been done in Minneapolis (Help-A-Vet's home base), Nashville, TN, and in the Eau Claire area.
This year Chi-Hi has raised the bar by starting a GoFundMe Campaign for the Homeless Veterans Project with the goal to raise $10,000. We at the Hands Foundation are grateful for their continued efforts and we hope to honor their selfless gifts by continuing our work to end the Homeless Veterans epidemic.
Please go and support the Cardinals at their game tonight and bring items to help the Veterans. As always, winter gear (boots, coats, hats, long johns, socks, etc.) will be vital in the coming months.
And please go visit the GoFundMe Campaign here and donate to the Homeless Veterans Project. Thank you.